Review: Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel

Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel:

Here’s what we know about ETL, it is distilled by Buffalo Trace using their Mash Bill # 2 and is aged for somewhere around 14 years. Mash Bill # 2 is that same Mash Bill Buffalo Trace uses for Blanton’s and Rock Hill Farms and has an estimated rye content of around 15%. While I love wheated bourbons there is something special about the spiciness that rye adds to a bourbons flavor. It is also important to note that there can be some discrepancies in flavor when tasting single barrels. read more

5 Best Bourbons for Beginners

(ignore the cheesy alliteration in the title)

I am just getting in to Bourbon what should I try? I have heard this questions hundreds of times.

Here is a list of five Bourbons that all beginners should try. All of these bourbons are readily available and fairly inexpensive. They also serve a purpose to show you how different Bourbon can be. Keep in mind all Bourbons have to be at least 51% corn. After that rye, malt, and wheat are added to create different flavors and characteristics. read more

Drinking Bourbon Without Going Broke

Bourbon can be an expensive hobby. Special releases and Limited Editions are not cheap and only come in 750 ML bottles. There are a few Bourbons/Whiskies that you can find in minis but these are usually from the Giants (Markers Mark, Evan Williams, Jim Beam, etc.).

Here are three tips to enjoy Bourbon without breaking the bank:

Find a local Bourbon or Whiskey Bar

I know, you will probably pay $20 for a 1 oz glass of Pappy or Four Roses Limited Edition but these are Bourbons that you will usually drink on special occasions any ways read more

When Did Pappy Van Winkle Become So Popular

If you are a Bourbonr or have been to any of the numerous Bourbon blogs or forums you have heard stories of when Pappy could be found in the wild and Lot B and Old Rip would sat on liquor store shelves for months. This is no longer the case. Stores now have lists hundreds of names long months before the Fall release. Bottles of Pappy 20 and 23 selling on the secondary market for 1000% the retail price. To say that Pappy has hit a tipping point is an understatement. read more

Corsair Quinoa Whiskey Review from Clay Risen

Todays review comes from Clay Risen. Clay is a Staff Editor for The New York Times and also writes about whiskey, bourbon and rye on his blog Mash Notes. Also, he has a book coming out this November titled American Whiskey, Bourbon & Rye: A Guide to the Nation’s Favorite Spirit. It is available for pre-sale now (I have already pre-ordered my copy)

Corsair Quinoa Whiskey

92 proof $44.99 (at According to the U.S. Tax and Trade Bureau, whiskey is, among other things, a spirit “distilled from a fermented mash of grain.” That’s a broad palette; the world abounds in different types of grains. Still, we’ve grown used to making whiskey with just four of them: corn, barley, wheat and rye.

 That’s not random, of course — they are easy to work with and produce tasty beverages. Many others do not. But a few enterprising distillers are starting to break beyond the Big Four: Dry Fly, out of Spokane, Wash., has a triticale whiskey. Koval, from Chicago, has made whiskeys with millet and spelt. read more