Heaven Hill Distillery by Mashbill

Heaven Hill distillery has a rich bourbon history. Currently, they’re the largest family-owned distillery in the United States and the second largest holder of Kentucky Bourbon in the world (I’m still trying to work my way up the list). The distillery was founded in 1935 by the Shapira family with Master Distiller Joseph Beam (yes, his cousin is Jim).

Previously, I created an infographic grouping of bourbons by mashbill for the Buffalo trace distillery. Heaven Hill presents a few obstacles when trying to group bourbons and whiskeys by mashbill. First, they’ve produced many different brands over the years. Some have been discontinued but some are still around. While I tried to include some of the discontinued bottles I know there are some that have not been included. Second, Heaven Hill is the source for several Non-Distiller Producers which I’ve debated on whether or not to include in this post. Ultimately, I decide to include a few NDP’s I was fairly confident HH was the source. If there are other whiskies you think should be added let me know and I’ll research and add them. Finally, on November 7, 1996 a fire almost completely destroyed the Heaven Hill production plant. As you know, fire and alcohol are not a good mix and nearly 90,000 barrels of bourbon were lost in this tragedy.

After the fire, other distilleries came together to help Heaven Hill keep up with production. For instance, Brown-Forman distilled Rittenhouse on behalf of Heaven Hill. In 1999 Heaven Hill purchased Bernheim Distillery to help with production. However, it wasn’t until 2008 that HH was able to distill Rittenhouse on its own.

How can we distinguish between pre-fire, post-fire or a contracted distiller during the fire? The easiest way to verify your bottled was produced by Heaven Hill is to check the DSP code. Anything produced by Heaven Hill pre-fire will be labeled DS- KY-31. Anything post-fire will be DSP-KY-1 (DSP-KY-354 will be the Rittenhouse distilled by Brown-Forman).


Heaven Hill Mash Bill Breakdown


    Heaven Hill Green Label
    Heaven Hill Black Label
    Heaven Hill Gold Label
    Evan Williams White Label
    Evan Williams 1783
    Evan Williams 23
    Elijah Craig 18
    Elijah Craig 20

    HH B&B Gold label is not to be found here in Louisville in at least 6 months. I afraid this high grade value bourbon is a thing of the past. I think they can sell that juice for twice the price in fancy bottles.

    Old Heaven Hill 8 yr. Now a “dusty” but still on the shelves till it’s completely sold out.

    Could add ECBP next to EC12.

    I’ve *heard* Noah’s Mill is up to 20-yr HH juice (bottled by KBD.) Not sure on Rowan’s.

    Elijah Craig 22 year is available at the Heaven Hill heritage center along with William Heavenhill BIB and Evan Williams master distillers select which is bottled in a little ceramic jug with a personalized label. Evan Williams 23 is also available there but those older offerings are pretty expensive.

    There’s a Heaven Hill Black Label 80 Proof and a Heaven Hill Black Label 86 Proof. Not sure what’s up with that.

    Medley Bros. 102, Wathen’s Single Bbl, Old Medley, Noah’s Mill, Rowan’s Creek, Willett Pot Still Family Reserve, Corner Creek, Johnny Drum, Old Bardstown, Kentucky Vintage

    These mashbills are different to those on the Heaven Hill website which state:
    Pikesville – 51 rye/35 corn/14 barley
    Henry McKenna – 78 corn/12 barley/10 rye
    Mellow Corn 80 corn/12 barley //8 rye

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